Hannah's HCDE 598 Digital Fabrication Page

Hi there! My name is Hannah Nursalim! I'm an MS HCDE student here at UW, and I'm excited to be learning about digital fabrication.
I'm curious about what digital fabrication is and about the different tools we can use to make things.

What I'm most excited for is learning about 3D printing and how to use a 3D printer. I'm excited to show others how to do laser cutting. I learned about it last quarter in Physical Computing and Prototyping and found it to be so much fun!

You can check out my work for this class down below.

A1: Press Fit Kit!

Assignment 1 was to create a press fit kit using a laser cutter!

A2: CAD Model & Fabricated Output!

Assignment 2 was to recreate our press fit kit by using CAD to create our shapes!

A3: Making a Lamp!

Assignment 3 was to create a lamp via 3D Printing and Laser Cutting!

A4: Moving Parts!

Assignment 4 was to model an assembly with at least one moving part!

A5: CNC Milling a Box!

Assignment 5 was to make a box with joints using CNC milling!

A6: Molding & Casting!

Assignment 6 was to make molds and to cast them!

A7: Final Project Proposal!

Assignment 7 was the final project proposal! Final project idea can be found here.

A8: Final Project!

Assignment 8 was executing our final project proposal! See how my project turned out!